Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A better way to experience Europe

Carlton and Linda took a two-week 
private tour with European Focus in 
June, 2012. The tour included slow 
travel in Ireland plus Edinburgh and London

You want to experience Europe but you don't want to drive on the "Wrong Side" of the road, you don't want to hassle with the logistics and you certainly don't want to trust some web site and book a room only to find out that it's about the size of a phone booth with the bathroom down the hall and a weird smell of fried grease permeating the halls. That's where we come in. The experienced professionals of European Focus Private Tours will create a custom-designed tour just for you, or for you and your spouse or for your family. We are the world's only private tour company that routinely creates and leads tours for just one person! That's right. In one recent season we had two tours lined up for singles, one of whom is come over for her fourth trip with us. Other trips included a couple on their sixth trip with us, this time to Portugal and Northern Spain, best friends exploring Poland and Germany and a father and two sons following the trail of the boys' grandfather in the last months of World War II. 

There is nothing out of the ordinary for us. With an average of 14 trips designed and led per season since 1989, we are always up for a new adventure. 

For the best experience of your life on a private, custom-designed tour with driver and guide, please visit our web site today 

And see you over on the other side of the Atlantic!